The Board of Trustees of the Coll Bardolet Cultural Foundation is made up of representatives from different public institutions (Balearic Government, the Consell de Mallorca and the City Council of Valldemossa), as well as the family and some friendships of the artist.
The members of the Board are:
Sr. Josep Coll Vilanova
Ex Officio Trustees
Hble. Sra. Pilar Costa i Serra, Consellera de Presidencia, Cultura e Igualdad del Gobierno de las Islas Baleares
Hble. Sra. Isabel Maria Busquets Hidalgo, Consellera de Cultura, Patrimonio y Política Lingüística del Consell Insular de Mallorca
Hble. Sr. Nadal Torres, Alcalde de Valldemossa
Life Trustees
Sr. Germen Coll Vila
Sra. Olga Coll Vila
Secretary and Temporary Trustee
Sr. Felio J. Bauzá Martorell
Temporary Trustees
Sra. Birgit Arenz
Sr. Josep M. Balaguer Poblet
Sr. Manel Cifré Ramos
Sr. Gabriel Janer Manila
Sr. Josep Obrador Cladera
Sr. Sebastià Roser Pizá
Sr. Antonio Ruano Torres
Sr. Juan Lozano Manchado